Sold 1635 Jeffress Blvd, VA 24592
Status: Sold
1635 Jeffress Blvd
South Boston VA 24592
Beds: 2
Baths: 3 (full)
Sqft: 1,120
1728 Norwood Ave, VA 24592
Status: Sold
1728 Norwood Ave
South Boston VA 24592
Beds: 3
Baths: 1 (full)
Sqft: 1,080
441 Periwinkle Cir, VA 24592
Status: Sold
441 Periwinkle Cir
South Boston VA 24592
Beds: 2
Baths: 2 (full)
Sqft: 1,860
 Siesta Lane, VA 24598
Status: Sold
Siesta Lane
Virgilina VA 24598
Acres: 0.92
900 Grove Avenue, VA 24592
Status: Sold
900 Grove Avenue
South Boston VA 24592
Beds: 4
Baths: 3 (full)
Sqft: 2,823
3518 Skipwith Road, VA 23917
Status: Sold
3518 Skipwith Road
Boydton VA 23917
Beds: 3
Baths: 2 (full)
Sqft: 1,680
425 Periwinkle Circle, VA 24592
Status: Sold
425 Periwinkle Circle
South Boston VA 24592
Beds: 3
Baths: 3 (full)
Sqft: 1,520
435 Main Street, VA 24592
Status: Sold
435 Main Street
South Boston VA 24592

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